Courtesy Online Stock Photos

Courtesy Online Stock Photos

Oh Happy Day . . . ! I couldn’t wait to share the news with my bloggy friends! While I was in the clinic having a shot in my knee this morning the federal government called to say I have finally been approved for Disability payments! Woohoo!
It only took almost 10 months, numerous doctor visits, multiple forms filled out, several letters, me showing up on their doorstep & questioning them to finally get an approval! I won’t get any money for 3 – 4 months & I don’t know how much I will be getting, but I’ll get something! It will be a big help paying for the extra meds I need now for my COPD!  I had to quit physio yesterday because we don’t have any benefits yet from Kelvin’s job & without me having an income, we simply couldn’t afford it.
I am chair dancing with joy! ( \ ) ( l ) ( / )
Thank you to so many of you for keeping positive thoughts coming my way, your positive thoughts had an effect I’m sure!