Credit:  Cee's Photography

Credit: Cee’s Photography

Here we are Share Your World – Week 14 already!  Although I have only been doing these for a few weeks, it feels like part of my regular posts already!

If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be?

I think my sign would be Yield.  Most often it feels like I am making way for some extrovert to get their way because they open their mouth first or speak the loudest.

credit:  Province of Alberta Road Signs

credit: Province of Alberta Road Signs


Is your hair short (total neck and ear showing), medium (covering ears and neck), long (below shoulders), extra long (at least halfway down your back) or bald?

My hair is long.  Although I have very fine hair, I have a lot of it.  I like to play with my hair – tuck it behind my ears, put it in a ponytail, pile it on top of my head with a clip or wear it in a bun (which I do most days now).  I dislike going to the hairdressers so much, I let my hair grow really long & only get it cut once every 2 years or so (if not longer).  Hence, long hair is the style for me.

When you are with your friends, do your interactions include much touching—for example, hugging, kissing, rough housing, rubbing backs? Would you like to have more of this? (Note: the answers may vary depending on where you live on this wonderful planet.)

I like to hug, coming & going.  Sometimes I will rub a friend’s back or give them a one-handed hug as I walk by.  Otherwise I don’t do much touching, unless it’s one of my kids & then sometimes I touch a lot more.  If you’re sad, I’m the first one to open my arms if you want a hug – but I also respect if you don’t want one.

What do you feel is the most enjoyable way to spend $100?

Isn’t this sad, it’s been so long since I spent any money on myself – I don’t know what I would want for myself.  I dislike restaurants because they are noisy & the servers are always bothering you.  I don’t enjoy any meal in a restaurant unless it’s eaten in my own vehicle.  I don’t like shopping period.  If I have to buy new clothes – I get in & get out as fast as I can.

Got it, got it – browse through Kobo & buy myself a lot of e-books!  And maybe a little bit of chocolate (Easter chocolate is always my favorite).

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful my hubby & I still care enough to fight.  As we both get used to the role of me being disabled, we have struggled from time to time.  We are both trying, but it’s really hard.  I have always been so independent & now I have to depend on him for so much.  I would be grateful if someone would gave my hubby a job.