Credit:  Cee's Photography

Credit: Cee’s Photography

Share Your World Week 18

What object do you always have with you when traveling and why?

My e-reader.  It fits nicely in a pocket or purse & it gives me the opportunity to read wherever I am.  I cannot go to sleep without reading, so if I am away from home, my e-reader is a must.  So much lighter than packing books, too!

What subject would you like to study in depth, if given the time to do so?

I would like to study Psychology.  I love trying to figure out how people’s minds work, why people do what they do, what things influence how they act, how they cope with trials in their lives.  I thought I would really like Sociology too because it is based on how culture affects people, that is until I came to the statistics part of the studying.  I have never been good at math & I wouldn’t voluntarily subject myself to something that requires math as part of the work.

Which would you prefer: a wild, turbulent life filled with joy, sorrow, passion, and adventure–intoxicating successes and stunning setbacks; or a contented bordering on happy, secure, predictable life surrounded by friends and family without such wide swings of fortune and mood?

When I was younger I was all about the wild, turbulent life filled with joy, etc.  I used to party hearty!  At my first job, I often fell asleep in the bathroom because I had partied all night.  Now I am older I much prefer the contented life, security would be such a blessing.

What are your favorite spices?

Garlic – my favorite spice.  I cannot stand the smell of cooking hamburger, so I mask it with a touch of garlic to make it palatable.  When I was a kid I also loved lightly buttered toast with cinnamon & white sugar on it.  Yum!

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful I’m finally getting to see the doctors I have been waiting six months to see.   Monday is the Psychiatrist to see if my meds need to be changed.  With all the changes in my life this last year, I find I have been succumbing more & more to depression.  Without some of my good friends from here in the blogosphere I may have gotten lower than I currently am.



Share Your World Week 19

Do you prefer shopping or going to the park?

I would have always said park because I am one of those rare females who has ALWAYS hated shopping!  My hubby has to drag me shopping when it’s needed.  Once I get in the store, I’m not too bad – but I rush around, trying to get as much done as possible as fast as possible & then I don’t want to go back for months.

What is the highest score you’ve ever made in bowling?

I used to bowl 5 pin bowling all the time, hubby & I were in a league when we lived in the bush & it was the first thing we looked for when we moved to Leduc, AB.  It’s a great way to make friends.  My highest score was 267 for a single game, but my average was usually around 147.

Name the foreign countries you’ve been to.

I’ve been to Cuba, Bahamas, a number of small islands in the Caribbean (I don’t know which countries they actually belong to, although I think Antigua belongs to the Dutch), Mexico & the US (including Puerto Rico & Hawaii).

Describe you own outlook on life in seven words or less.

Treat others as you would like to be treated.  (sorry it’s too many words but it’s the way I think)

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful it wasn’t too scary at the Psychiatrist’s appointment where I found out one of the medications I have been taking for many years has the side effect of making you tremendously hungry (no wonder I have put so much weight on!); I found out I was taking another medication at the wrong time of day which may have something to do with my insomnia.  So we’ve made some minor changes & I go back in 3 weeks to see how things are going.

 Oh, by the way, my hubby got a job which is great news for us!  

If you would like to join in the fun, go to Cee’s Photography:

You probably won’t see a lot of posts from me in the next little while – I am facing some personal changes & getting used to the changes.  A big change is getting used to hubby being away all day, so I am trying to pitch in where I can.  Another thing is the change in meds as well as sleeping patterns.  But I think the biggest reason is the sadness over Rara . . .  This is affecting me more than I would have thought.