Name a smell you love, a smell you hate, and/or a smell you never really notice.  This was part of a tag Rarasaur set for me way back in February.  I always fully intended to do it, but just ran out of time – so I’m going to use it as a prompt from time to time.

Credit: Microsoft Clip Arts

Credit: Microsoft Clip Arts

The smell I love the most is freshly baked bread!  When my daughter was in kindergarten, I ran a creche in my home because I was unable to find adequate daycare for my daughter that did not cost more than my salary.  I cared for 2 babies under 6 months in my home.  Every Monday morning I would make my own bread.  My first baby came at 7:30 a.m., so I would get up early & have my dough rising before the first baby came.  A couple hours later, both babies would go for a morning nap & I would punch down my bread & set it to rise again.  After lunch when the babies went for their next nap I would punch the dough down again & put it in the loaf pans to rise before baking.  I would always have a little dough left over so I would make dinner buns or cinnamon buns as well.  I would make a stew or chili (something that goes good with fresh bread) for dinner.  All day Monday & most of Tuesday as well my house would smell like freshly baked bread.  Mmmmmm.

Credit:  Microsoft Clip Arts

Credit: Microsoft Clip Arts

A smell I hate is the smell of raw meat.  It started when I was pregnant with my daughter.  I suffered very badly from morning sickness for the first 5 months of my pregnancy.  I had trouble keeping down soda crackers.  My diet consisted of a Golden Delicious apple & a few soda crackers a day.  Finally, the doctor had to put me on medication because the baby was not growing.  For the balance of my pregnancy, I went to my parents’ cafe at least once a week so I wouldn’t have to smell meat cooking.  Even just this past Sunday, hubby brought home a strip loin of beef for steaks.  As hubby was cutting the meat, I was packaging it for the freezer.  I was gagging the whole time.  If I have to fry up ground beef I add a bit of garlic right away to mask the smell of the raw meat.

When I smoked, I never noticed the smell of cigarette smoke & I could rarely ever smell cigarettes on another smoker.  Since I quit smoking, I can smell a cigarette half a block away.  If someone in our complex is smoking on their balcony, I can smell it.  When I walk by a smoker I can smell it now.  Once in a blue moon, a cigarette still smells good to me, but mostly I hate the smell now.

What about you?  What smell do you love?  What smell do you hate?  Is there a smell you rarely notice?  You know you want to tell me.