Let’s all join the challenge to get as many people laughing as possible!

Laughing at Everyday Life 1.0

Yesterday on Facebook someone posted this saying….

And it really does sum up my theory on life.

Deep down we all want to laugh. But for many, they are afraid to laugh. If they laugh, they have to let go of their pain for just a moment. And if their pain is their security blanket, it makes them vulnerable if even for a split second.

But, being the butt I am, I will work hard to show them that split second of happiness.

So my challenge to each of you today is that for the next 24 hours you try to be the beacon of light, that tempter of laughter.

Yep, our goal is to help others find their smile, find that small moment of laughter. Be the person who gives them that smile that might just get them through their day.

baby smile

So my little soldiers… let’s get going…I don’t…

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