Courtesy Microsoft Clip Arts

Courtesy Microsoft Clip Arts

Menopause is often one of those subjects few women talk about. Is it because:

  1. If you acknowledge you are going through menopause you have to admit you’re getting older?  Typically menopause occurs in women who are over 45 years of age, although there are exceptions as in early onset menopause.
  2. That you’re now past your childbearing years?  Many women feel their purpose in life is over if they can no longer bear children.
  3. Because of its connection to menstruation?  If women don’t talk about their periods while they’re having them, why would they talk about when they stop?
  4. Women feel they lose their sex appeal after menopause?  During menopause some women experience hair growth in places they don’t usually grow hair like on their upper lip or on their chin as well as extremely dry skin & female parts.  Due to the drop in female hormones, some experience a loss of sex drive as well.  For some women, some of these symptoms can be relieved with hormone replacement therapy.
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The first time I can remember becoming aware of menopause was when Edith Bunker started going through it as I watched “All in the Family” years ago.  She started experiencing hot flashes & mood swings, memory loss & fatigue, but she wouldn’t share what she was going through with anyone.   Finally Gloria figured out what was going on & sat her mother down to have a talk with her & insist she visit a doctor.  All of this was portrayed very comically.  They called it The Change & at one point Archie says to Edith something like, if you’re going to change, then change & get it over with because I can’t stand these mood swings anymore accompanied by huge laughter from the audience!!

Do you remember menopause being portrayed in other TV shows & how did they handle it?  Or did someone have a talk with you about menopause?  How did you learn – by going through it?